2010年4月16日 星期五

Buddy Holly - Everyday

2001.4.11 感官世界音樂會/香港 第一首歌是這首, 宥嘉小甜甜喔 ~ 這次的音樂會林小嘉選很多英文歌來唱, 都好好聽喔! 先聽這首, 陸續介紹囉, 小嘉謝謝你!! 也謝謝O大翻譯的歌詞,好讚喔 ~

這個應該是live的版本, 編曲也有一點點不一樣~

Everyday Everyday its a-gettin closer 它一天比一天更靠近
Goin faster than a roller coaster 像雲霄飛車,越來越快
Love like yours will surely come my way 像妳這般的愛一定會來到我這邊
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Everyday its a-gettin faster 它一天比一天來的更快
Everyone said, go ahead and ask her 每個人都跟我說“去問她吧!”
Love like yours will surely come my way 像妳這樣的愛一定會來到我身邊
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Everyday seems a little longer 日子一天比一天更漫長
Every way loves a little stronger 愛情這裡那裡越來越頑強
Come what may 無論發生什麼事
Do you ever long for, true love from me 妳有曾盼望過我的真愛嗎?
Everyday its a-gettin closer 它一天比一天更靠近
Goin faster than a roller coaster 像雲霄飛車,越來越快
Love like yours will surely come my way 像妳這般的愛一定會來到我這邊
A-hey, a-hey-hey Everyday seems a little longer 日子一天比一天更漫長
Every way loves a little stronger 愛情這裡那裡越來越頑強
Come what may 無論發生什麼事
Do you ever long for, true love from me 妳有曾盼望過我的真愛嗎?
Everyday its a-gettin closer 它一天比一天更靠近
Goin faster than a roller coaster 像雲霄飛車,越來越快
Love like yours will surely come my way 像妳這般的愛一定會來到我這邊
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Love like yours will surely come my way 像妳這般的愛一定會來到我這邊

2010年3月4日 星期四

伍佰 - 愛妳越來越多

小嘉最近很喜歡這首歌, 我們啊, 也愛你越來越多說~

2009年6月12日 星期五




午夜的兩點半 我走不進夢鄉
時間在逃亡 悲傷還在原地方我將一床被單 
絞成混亂一片愛已經滅亡 然而思念更堅強

不要害怕 不要害怕 愛一個人其實並不複雜
不要害怕 不要害怕 過去的眼淚用今天去擦

我答應自己不要放棄 我答應自己不要忘記

閉上眼想一遍 妳轉身的模樣
每一個角度 都好像一種飛翔
我因為看著妳 回憶妳而悲傷

2009年6月9日 星期二

Adele - Melt My Heart to Stone



Right under my feet there's air made of bricks
Pulls me down turns me weak for you
I find myself repeating like a broken tune
And I'm forever excusing your intentions
And I give in to my pretendings
Which forgive you each time
Without me knowing
They melt my heart to stone

And I hear your words that I made up
You say my name like there could be an us
I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love
I'm the only one in love

Each and every time I turn around to leave
I feel my heart begin to burst and bleed
So desperately I try to link it with my head
But instead I fall back to my knees
As you tear your way right through me
I forgive you once again
Without me knowing
You've burnt my heart to stone

And I hear your words that I made up
You say my name like there could be an us
I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love
I'm the only one in love

Why do you steal my hand
Whenever I'm standing my own ground
You build me up, then leave me dead

Well I hear your words you made up
So I say your name like there could be an us
I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love
I'm the only one in love

2009年5月26日 星期二

Carla Bruni - You belong to me


嗯,我喜歡 YOU BELONG TO ME 謝謝!







2009年5月22日 星期五

Rachael Yamagata-Be Be Your Love

也是在新加坡雜誌I周刊 No.603 - 正在播放中介紹的歌:

yoga說: 莫文蔚的"一個人睡"很好聽,有一天在youtube亂連時才發現Rachael Yamagata是原唱人,原版歌詞跟曲子真的很搭.
truelove說: 其實在看到這篇之前, 有看到yoga在上一個節目有唱耶, 他很有心,還自己打拍子配樂, 光聽他唱那幾句就感動了, 即刻想找出原曲來聽....

2009年5月21日 星期四

Brett Dennen - Because You Are A Woman

新加坡雜誌I周刊 No.603 - 正在播放中
在這個單元yoga介紹了一些歌, 我先選了一首我沒聽過的, 沒想到一聽就感動了...... because i'm a woman....

i only wanted to be closer to you
i thought i had something to prove
instead i fled with my superstition
because you are a woman

now i was told since before i could speak
a mans emotions are what make him weak
i come to you more or less a humble man
because you are a woman

and i find most of the time i'm lost inside my own mind
i look all over, all over to find
it dont keep me satisfied

all the conquests that i construe
fail miserably in front of you
have you ever been loved my such a charasmatic fool?
and i'm a sucker for your love

the self-centered strutted crowd the side walk
parade and pose with phones and paper cups
you walk like truth through a world of fiction
because you are a woman

and i find most of the time it's all inside my mind
i look all over, all over to find
it dont keep me satisfied

and i find most of the time i miss the way your body coils around mine
the slope of your shoulders
the curve of your spine
because you are a woman

i change my strings and pack my suitcase
i'm always leaving for some other place
but i return to you again and again
because you are a woman
because you are a woman

再加一個小霞姐給yoga看的"Billy Jean" 不知道是不是這個版本呢?
哈 這個女人真是好寶......